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史赛克 THA应用X3衬垫的LFIT解剖型CoCr股骨头手册 收藏
  • 英文名称:
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  • 产地/品牌:美国/史赛克
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  • 参考报价: 询价
  • 总 访 问:1813
  • 半年访问:182
  • 产品类别:髋关节
  • 最后更新:2008-11-01

LFIT Technology:
     LFIT Anatomic CoCr Femoral Heads were anatomically designed to:1、Enhance hip stability; 2、Minimize dislocation; 3、Maximize patient ROM; The LFIT process: 1、Improves surface wettability; 2、Simulates the anatomic joint by allowing increased lubrication between components; 3、Decreases the frictional forces against polyethylene, thus potentially reducing wear;

 LFIT CoCr Wettability

 CoCr Wettability

 Anatomic Hip Naturally Lubricated

 Hip Replacement Allowing
Increased Lubrication

X3 Technology:
     X3 is an exciting advancement in bearing technology. Patented by Stryker’s material scientists, X3 is the first polyethylene to address three of the major factors associated with failure of hip and knee replacement surgery: 1、Strength; 2、Wear;3、Oxidation Resistance;

 Anatomically Sized for Natural Hip Performance

Jump Distance :
Jump Distance = Head Radius + 2.7mm Dislocation Safety Factor
Safety Factor (JD = r + DSF)
Increase Jump Distance,Decreased Dislocation
Jump distance is defined as the vertical distance the femoral head must travel to dislocate after impingement. Jump distance is only clinically relevant when it more closely mimics natural anatomy and is measured at 45°.It is inversely proportional to the risk of dislocation. As jump distance increases, the risk of dislocation theoretically decreases. Typically, jump distance is measured by the radius of the femoral head. Stryker’s unique Trident cup design incorporates an additional dislocation safety factor.


Increased Head Diameter = Increased ROM:

Increased Head Diameter = Increased ROM3

About the LFIT Anatomic CoCr Femoral Heads with X3 Liners Product Brochure PDF file, read the link:




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    史赛克 THA应用X3衬垫的LFIT解剖型CoCr股骨头手册
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      史赛克 THA应用X3衬垫的LFIT解剖型CoCr股骨头手册
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    • E-Maill
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