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史赛克 髋关节置换翻修Restoration Modular股骨柄系统 收藏
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  • 产地/品牌:美国/史赛克
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  • 参考报价: 询价
  • 总 访 问:2093
  • 半年访问:159
  • 产品类别:髋关节
  • 最后更新:2008-11-01

Stryker Restoration Modular Revision Hip System

Restoration Modular helps to give you the ability to apply various fixation strategies depending on your preference and patient needs, allowing you to choose from a range of options to restore hip biomechanics.

Features & Benefits:

1.Surgical Options

Since every revision surgery is unique, Restoration Modular takes an individual approach to addressing revision surgeries. It is designed to allow you the flexibility to address a range of scenarios providing choices to determine the best approach to the specific case, depending on preference and patient requirements for:

u     Surgical approach and technique

u     Proximal or distal fixation

u     Proximal size and distal diameter

u     Construct length

u     Offset

u     Anteversion

u     Acetabular components

u      Instrumentation

The result is an effective system for addressing various types of revision cases – designed to allow immediate fixation and long term stability through the restoration of hip biomechanics.

*      Choice Matters

Simply stated, in revision hip surgery you have many needs – so does your patient. Choices to answer these needs are the core benefit of the Restoration Modular System. In fact, Restoration Modular was engineered to offer more choices than any other revision hip system on the market. Restoration Modular offers 78 proximal body options and 308 distal stem options, complemented by a host of acetabular options, all of which are designed to provide the first step to clinical success for you – and your patient. With a range of options to choose from, you have the option to build the right construct that will best match the patient’s needs.

(1) Your Choice of Proximal Body Solutions:

Five proximal body options are available, providing you with choices to match your preference for approach and patient requirements including fixation philosophy, sizing, offset, and anteversion. All bodies accept V40 CoCr or Alumina Ceramic Heads to match your preference of bearing technology.

1) Broached Body :

l   Anthropometrically shaped proximal body

l   Circumferentially plasma sprayed

l   PureFix HA coated

2) Calcar Body

l   Calcar flanges provide a variety of means of achieving trochanteric reattachment

l   PureFix HA coated

l   Cobalt chrome bushings in vertical flanges capture beaded cables and are angle upward and outward to allow cabling to pass through or around the greater trochanter

3) Milled Body

l   Milled Body design helps maintain axial and rotational stability

l   Independent proximal body and distal stem sizing

l   Version control independent of distal stems

l   PureFix HA coated

4) Cone Body

l   Cone Body geometry helps maintain axial and rotational stability

l   Independent proximal body heights and lateral offsets

l   Version control independent of distal stems

l   PureFix HA coated

5) MT3 Body

l   Four body heights for restoration of leg length

l   Version control independent of distal stems

(2) Your Choice of Distal Stem Solutions :

Three Distal Stem options are available addressing distal fixation; distal diameter, construct length, and stability.All stem designs, regardless of stem length, allow for insertion of the distal stems independent of the proximal body. The Distal Stem designs are the foundation for restoring hip joint mechanics – combined with a variety of proximal geometries to help you establish the balance between motion and stability.

1) Fluted Distal Stem

l   Highly-polished Fluted Distal Stem is designed to provide immediate diaphyseal rotational control

l   Distal Tri-Slot enhances stem flexibility

l   Independent proximal body and distal stem sizing

l   Available in bowed and straight stem designs

2) Plasma Distal Stem

l   Designed to provide immediate fixation and rotational control

l   Circumferentially plasma-sprayed

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    史赛克 髋关节置换翻修Restoration Modular股骨柄系统
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      史赛克 髋关节置换翻修Restoration Modular股骨柄系统
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    • E-Maill
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