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史赛克 GMRS 髋关节翻修股骨近端系统 收藏
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  • 参考报价: 询价  热线:400 821 8899
  • 总 访 问:1195
  • 半年访问:50
  • 产品类别:髋关节
  • 最后更新:2008-09-16

 GMRS (Global Modular Replacement System)–Proximal Femur Modular Replacement System
    The GMRS Proximal Femoral Components have over a decade of clinical history. The neck length has been increased to help improve range of motion and better meet the needs of various patient anatomies. The GMRS Proximal Femoral Components are fully compatible with all Stryker V40 femoral heads. The components continue to be available in two configurations, standard and trochanteric, but are now also available in neutral, left and right anteverted orientations.


 Global Modular Replacement System

 GMRS femoral neck component



 GMRS hip replacement

 GMRS trial components

GMRS Product Brochure (产品手册)
GMRS Proximal Femur Surgical Protocol(外科操作手册)

Features & Benefits:
1、Proximal Femoral Components :
2、Stem Components :

(1)Press-Fit Stems:
      The press fit stems are available in three styles: straight flutes, bowed and long bowed. The press fit stems have an 11mm replacement length. The stems are made of titanium alloy with titanium plasma spray. The proximal 3cm of the stem is coated with Hydroxyapatite.
(2)Cemented Stems:
     The cemented stems are available in two styles. The first style incorporates an extra-cortical porous-coated section with a 40mm replacement length. The stems are also available without the porous-coated section with a 11mm replacement length. The stems are available in a number of different diameters with both strait and curved configurations.
3、Extension Pieces :
     The extension pieces are used to extend the replacement length. This component features a male and a female taper to attach a stem to the proximal femoral component. The extension pieces can be stacked to help achieve the desired reconstruction length.

    史赛克公司是全球最大的骨科及医疗科技公司之一,总部设于美国密西根州的克拉马苏市,在全球有14个生产研发及销售分部,员工超过一万六千多人。产品涉及关节置换、创伤、颅面、脊柱、手术设备、神经外科、耳鼻喉、介入性疼痛管理、微创手术、导航手术、智能化手术室及网络通讯、生物科技、医用床、急救推床等。由于业绩良好,史赛克公司分别被美国著名的《财富》杂志及《Business Week》 评为财富500强公司及全美50大医疗公司之一。在2005年更被评为在医疗业界中最受景仰的公司。美国史赛克公司在纽约股票交易所上市。
    史赛克 GMRS 髋关节翻修股骨近端系统
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      史赛克 GMRS 髋关节翻修股骨近端系统
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