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史赛克 Scorpio NRG 全膝关节置换系统 收藏
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  • 参考报价: 询价
  • 总 访 问:2582
  • 半年访问:163
  • 产品类别:膝关节
  • 最后更新:2008-09-16


 Scorpio NRG Femoral Component Front View

 Scorpio NRG Femoral Component

Scorpio NRG Knee Flexed

Scorpio NRG Knee Replacement System

Stryker Scorpio NRG  Knee System:

Features & Benefits:
(1)Deep flexion design :
      The NRG tibial insert provides a deep anterior cutout to help to reduce stress on the patellar tendon during higher flexion angles.
(2)Sizing flexibility :
     Scorpio NRG incorporates three additional femoral sizes along with two additional tibia sizes to allow for greater flexibility in matching a patient’s anatomy.
(3)Bone conservation :The Scorpio NRG Knee System conserves bone in three areas:

1)Resection level – NRG’s distal and posterior resection is maintained at a low 8mm of bone.
2)No additional posterior cut – Unlike some competitive knee prostheses, NRG does not require additional bone resection on the posterior condyles. Even without the additional bone resection, NRG is able to maintain sufficient contact in deep flexion.
3)No patellar groove resection – In contrast to the traditional Scorpio component, NRG does not require additional patellar groove resection.
(4)Single M/L radius :
     The patented,1 clinically successful single M/L radius of the NRG design achieves full conformity at all flexion angles while allowing for increased rotation. The increased conformity of the NRG knee design results in decreased contact stresses during increasing rotation.
     Mechanical testing shows that the Scorpio NRG fixed-bearing design maintains low levels of constraint, up to ±20 degrees of rotation. The NRG knee accommodates rotations of the intact knee on the articulating surfaces for both PS and CR systems. Scorpio NRG PS helps accommodate these rotations on the post where potential wear and damage can occur.


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    史赛克 Scorpio NRG 全膝关节置换系统
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      史赛克 Scorpio NRG 全膝关节置换系统
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